First "Julio Palacios" International Symposium
Paraninfo del Rectorado de la Universidade da Coruña
20-22 July 2016, A Coruña, Spain
A three-day multidisciplinary symposium to honour the eminent Spanish scientist and humanist Julio Palacios (1891-1970), where current scientific problems, of social relevance and interest can be discussed in the framework of original and innovative ideas, within the fields of mathematics, physics, chemistry and medicine, with talks given by high-level scientists.
INSTRUCTIONS FOR COMMUNICATIONS: Abstracts for posters can be optionally submitted upon registration and will be selected through an evaluation process carried out by the Scientific Committee, as a function of their quality, origininality and impact, as well as by the multidisciplinarity. CONTRIBUTIONS. Abstracts for the posters should be written in English, according to the template that can be downloaded upon registration.
Abstracts will be compiled into a book, that will be edited with its corresponding ISBN
REGISTRATION: Registration is free. Please use the registration menu above, and introduce name, surname, affiliation, e-mail and contact telephone. Avoid accents and non-english characters in the registration. Abstract submission for a poster is optional. For any information regarding this symposium please use the e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
- The Spanish Royal Society of Mathematics (RSME) provides two lodging grants for students of mathematics. For applying please send name, surname, affiliation and CV (for students of mathematics send marks) to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Organizing Committee
José Mª Medina, Fundación Ramón Areces
Moisés Canle-López, Universidade da Coruña
Gerardo Delgado-Barrio, CSIC
Josep M. Oliva, CSIC
J. Arturo Santaballa, Universidade da Coruña
Albino Arenas, UPM
Scientific Committee
Armando Albert, CSIC
Diego R. Alcoba, IFIBA - CONICET, Argentina
José A. de Azcárraga, Presidente de la Real Sociedad Española de Física
José I. Burgos, ICMAT-CSIC
Mª Luisa Lucía Mulas, Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Gerardo Delgado-Barrio, CSIC
Cristóbal Fernández Pineda, Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Juan de la Figuera Bayón, CSIC
Jesús Jiménez-Barbero, Presidente de la Real Sociedad Española de Química
Douglas J. Klein, Universidad de Texas A&M, EEUU
Manuela Merchán, Universidad de Valencia
Paulo Limao-Vieira, Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Portugal
Josep M. Oliva, CSIC
Juan J. Rué, Universidad Politécnica de Catalunya
Fernando Sols Lucia, Universidad Complutense de Madrid